Sadly, as a part of life we lose those we love and so many times we think to ourselves, if only I could ask him/her a question. A personal history will be treasured for generations and could have a great effect on those who follow you. Your example, trials, and triumphs can strengthen and motivate others. Your words can help your loved one to remember how you dealt with challenges and how you managed situations.

‘My Gift To You’ is a simple concept funded by the Ireland Funds and supported by Waterford City and County Libraries and Tramore Heritage. A group of people are brought together and over a number of months, each member of the group produces their own personal memoir or family history. With a group of experts including a historian, genealogist, designer, librarians, photographer and a book binder – a unique gift is produced, a legacy gift to give to your loved ones.

Our present group includes those who have led very interesting lives. Some have discovered dynamic characters in their family lineage while others have written histories of their early years and where they came from. Waterford City Mayor, Cllr. Joe Kelly, as a part of our class has found writing came easily to him. Life-writing history topics include;  autobiography, biography, memoir, diary entries, letters, poetry, case history, personal testimony, illness narrative, obituary, essay, and reminiscences along with images, maps and newspaper cuttings.

It’s your personal history so it’s best written by you. Find out if this class is suitable for your group by filling in the form below or by contacting us. 

Maxine Keoghan My Gift To You Logo

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